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#56 Discounts on municipal taxes for Olim, soldiers, seniors, people with disabilities, Holocaust survivors…

Municipalities across the country give discounts on municipal taxes (Arnona) in accordance with the laws of the State and the regulations of the Interior Ministry.
This is a list that gives you an idea of some of the discounts that are available in some locations. Keep in mind that you have to check with the municipality (Iriya) of where you plan on living for details, availability and conditions.
New Olim
A new immigrant is entitled to a discount for 12 months out of his/her first 24 months in Israel. The discount is at a rate of 90% for 100 sq m of the area of the apartment. Every meter above 100 sq m is charged at the full rate.
Single Parents
A single parent is entitled to a municipal tax discount at a rate of 20%.
A 70% discount for those eligible.
Low Income
Discount for income reasons according to the number of persons living in the apartment and the level of their income.
Income Subsidy
A 70% discount will be granted to a person entitled to an income support benefit according to the Income Support Law
Person with Disability
A discount at the rate of 80% entitled to a full monthly pension from the National Insurance Institute, whose degree of incapacity to earn is 75% or more.
Sudden Financial Difficulties
An individual holding an apartment, who incurred irregular, extremely high expenses due to one-time or ongoing medical care, for himself or a family member, or due to an incident that led to a significant and unexpected deterioration in his material state, is entitled to submit a request for a discount of 70%.
Medical Disability – Social Security
A discount at a rate of 40% entitled to a person with a disability rank of 90% or more.
Children with Disabilities
A child with a disability is entitled to a discount of 33% for 100 sq m of the apartment.
A person with a certificate of blindness is entitled to discount at a rate of 90%.
Discharged Soldiers
Soldiers serving in the IDF are entitled to a discount at a rate of 100% for 70 sq m of the area of their apartment.
Reservists in Active Duty
Discount for reservists active for a maximum period of three years.
IDF Veterans with Disability
A disabled person entitled to benefits or to a grant under the Invalids (Pensions and Rehabilitation) Law, 5719-1959, is entitled to a discount at the rate of 66% for 70 sq m of the area of his/her apartment.
Bereaved Families
Bereaved families are entitled to a discount of 66% for 70 sq m of the apartment.
Victims of Hostile Actions
Victims of Hostile Acts are entitled to a discount at a rate of 66% for 70 sq m of the apartment.
Seniors who don’t meet the Income Criteria
A senior citizen is entitled to a discount of 25% for 100 sq m of the area of his/her residential apartment, provided that he/she receives one of the following pensions according to the law: old age pension, dependents pension, pendant pensions or disability pension due to injury at work.
Seniors Who Meet the Income Criteria
A senior citizen is entitled to a discount of 30% for 100 sq m of the area of his/her apartment if his/her total income does not exceed NIS 11,373.
Senior Citizens with a Disability Pension
100% discount for a senior citizen receiving an old-age disability pension.
Senior Citizens with Income Subsidy
A senior citizen is entitled to a discount of 80% if a permanent inability to earn a living at a rate of 75% or more was determined for him/her before receiving the old age pension according to section 127 (36) of the National Insurance Law.
National Service Volunteers
Entitled to a 100% discount on the property tax of 70 sq.m.
Civil Service Volunteer
Discounting municipal taxes for civil servants.
Civilian/Social Service
Those who serve in the civil social service are entitled to a discount according to the service track.
People Serving in Civilian-Security Service
A discount of 100% for 70 sq m of the apartment area for those serving in the civilian security service.
Prisoners of Zion
Anyone recognized by the National Insurance Institute as a ”Prisoner of Zion” will be granted a discount at a rate of 100% for 100 sq m of the area of the residential apartment.
Victims of Nazi Persecution
Victims of Nazi persecution and invalids from war against the Nazis are entitled to a municipal tax discount of 66% for 70 sq m of apartment.
Holocaust Survivor Discount
A person entitled to benefits for Holocaust Survivors are entitled to a discount of 66% for 70 sq m of apartment.
Family Members of Martyrs
Those entitled to a pension as a Family Members of Martyrs is entitled to a discount of 66% for 70 sq m of their apartment.
Righteous Gentiles
Righteous gentile, or spouse or widow/er entitled to a municipal tax discount at a rate of 66%.
Released Prisoners of War
entitled to a municipal tax discount at a rate of 20%.
Resident Receiving a Nursing Allowance
A resident who is entitled to a nursing benefit according to Chapter F of the National Insurance Law. Entitled to a 70% discount.
Recipients of Long-Term Care Benefits
A 70% discount for those eligible for a long-term care benefit according to Chapter F of the National Insurance Law.