Israel, despite being in a tough neighborhood, is an oasis of safety, often safer than…
#71 School shooting incidents are almost unheard of

Israel is situated in a tough part of the world and is occasionally struck by terrorist incidents. Despite that, the environment is so different, mass school shootings are unheard of here. Besides the reason the every school is fenced in and has an armed guard outside, there are many people who walk around with firearms. They might be soldiers, who carry assault weapons, guards of schools or buildings or private individuals who are licensed to car firearms. Private ownership of guns in Israel is a fraction of the US ownership stat. There are also many differences between Israeli society and American making the reasons for mass shootings unheard of here.
A story in the Washington Post explains further:
Janet Rosenbaum, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health at the State University of New York Downstate in Brooklyn, examined the difference in homicide rates between Israel and the United States. Writing in the New York Post, she said her research showed that Israel ranks 81st in the world for per capita firearm ownership, with fewer than 1 in 10 Israelis owning firearms. The United States, with one firearm for every person, ranks first.