#76 Life expectancy at birth is higher than the OECD average
Life expectancy at birth in Israel is around 83 years, two years higher than the OECD average of 81 years.…
#16 The Kotel
The Western Wall (often shortened to the Kotel), is an ancient limestone wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is a relatively…
#07 Be part of the ingathering of the exiles
The gathering of Israel Kibbutz Galuyot is the ingathering of the exiles, also known as Ingathering of the Jewish diaspora…
#94 Shabbat elevators in every building with two elevators
The Israeli Knesset passed a special Shabbat elevator law in 2001, ordering the planning and building of all residential buildings,…
#63 Dress casual, very casual
Israel is rated as one of the most informal countries and it shows in the way people dress. It is…
#73 No need to explain to your boss why you are taking off for so many Jewish holidays
If you are religious and live in the Diaspora, you are probably familiar with the explanation you have to give…
#12 Free Jewish education in Israel
In the USA, tuition for Jewish schools is soaring to fees of $20,000 to $30,000 and higher per child per…
#43 Visit the tree that was planted for your Bat/Bat Mitzvah at any time
Do you want to visit the tree that was planted in your honor for your Bar or Bat Mitzvah? It…
#90 We know how to make the desert bloom
Israel is a world leader in agricultural research and development, which has led to dramatic increases in the quantity and…
#69 Job opportunities for graduates
If you have a skill that is needed in Israel, there are possibilities that you should explore. If you work…
#66 Use the Hebrew calendar
Israelis are very connected to the Hebrew calendar, not only because it appears on newspapers and all legal documents, but…
#29 Ascend the Temple Mount
There is a growing body of Modern Orthodox and national religious rabbis who encourage visits to certain parts of the Temple Mount,…
#46 Fall colors means watching the dates turn red on the many palm trees
Yes, the fall colors in the US and Canada are lovely...until it gets really cold and the snow starts. Israel…
#10 Never have to shovel snow again
The geography of Israel is very diverse, with desert conditions in the south, and snow-capped mountains in the north. With…
#86 In Israel, there are only two degrees of separation
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other. As…
#19 Only one Seder
Celebrating Pesach, Shavuot and Sukot in Israel is such a different experience. The holidays are celebrated like they were meant…
#01 We are able to fulfill the mitzvah of settling the land of Israel
Aliyah is an important Jewish cultural concept and a fundamental component of Zionism. It is enshrined in Israel's Law of…
#95 World leader in cyber security
Israel was one of the first countries to set up national Critical Infrastructure Protection CIP or CIIP. In February 2002, the Israel Government…
#54 You won’t go broke filling a prescription
The Ministry of Health chooses which drugs are included in the health basket and they are provided by the Kupot…
#50 Public schools teach Hebrew, English and Arabic
There is an old joke: A person who speaks three languages is trilingual, a person who speaks two languages is…
#14 Get away from the Antisemitism that is growing quickly around the world
Every year, at the Pesach Seder, we recite the Vehi Sheamda: And it is this (the Torah) that has stood…
#99 Tel Aviv is the vegan capital of the world
Tel Aviv has been called "The World's Vegan Food Capital", as it possesses the highest per capita population of vegans in the world, with…
#71 School shooting incidents are almost unheard of
Israel is situated in a tough part of the world and is occasionally struck by terrorist incidents. Despite that, the…
#39 Never travel far to find a Minyan
Living in a land of Jews makes finding a minyan quite easy. In fact, Israelis are so used to have…
#87 Live in a Jewish state
From the outset of Zionism as a political movement it was clear that the subject on the agenda was a…
#85 Israeli music
The music of Israel is a combination of Jewish and non-Jewish music traditions that have come together over the course of a century…
#74 Wear shorts and sandals most of the year
What a difference Israel is over many places in the Diaspora. Israel has a Mediterranean climate with long, hot, rainless summers and…
#04 Live in a place where people hang up signs in places where they found objects (even inexpensive objects) trying to finding the rightful owners.
Hashavat Aveda is one of 613 commandments (mitzvah) in the Jewish law that requires the return of loss to its…
#25 Tel Aviv was named “The Mediterranean Capital of Cool”
Tel Aviv-Yafo, often referred to as just Tel Aviv, is the most populous city in the Gush Dan metropolitan area of Israel. Located on…
#27 Over 300 wineries
Israeli wine is produced by hundreds of wineries, ranging in size from small boutique enterprises to large companies producing over ten million…
#98 It does not cost an arm and a leg to make a wedding
If you have ever made a wedding or Bar / Bat Mitzvah, you know the many expenses you face. In…
#56 Discounts on municipal taxes for Olim, soldiers, seniors, people with disabilities, Holocaust survivors…
Municipalities across the country give discounts on municipal taxes (Arnona) in accordance with the laws of the State and the…
#15 Public transportation is free for anyone 75 and over
Rav-Kav (meaning: multi-line) is a reusable contactless stored value smart card for making electronic payments as a joint fare collection…
#82 Hatikvah
Hatikvah is Israel's national anthem and the song that brings tears to eyes of Jews around the world. Part of…
#31 Tomatoes taste like tomatoes
There is a huge difference between produce in Israel compared to what Americans are used to purchasing in supermarkets. In…
#44 Lots of great free sheurim, lectures and classes
When you have a country of "People of the Book", you would expect there to be a wide choice of…
#60 Expect about 300 days of sun in a year
Israel is blessed to have ~300 days of sunshine a year. In fact, with so much sunlight, Israelis take advantage…
#53 College is really affordable
Israeli universities have received a reputation for being excellent and inexpensive. Below is a list of universities. Institute Est. Date…
#57 Mystical Tzfat
Tzfat is a city in the Northern District of Israel. Located at an elevation of 900 meters (2,953 ft), Tzfat…
#100 Listen to the news while on a bus
Israelis can be obsessed with news. Whether it is TV, news papers of radio, Israelis want to know what is…
#17 It rains in the rainy season
While Jews in the Diaspora might pray for rain in Israel's rainy season and be answered with snow or heat,…
#51 A political party for all views
In the 2022 elections, 40 parties threw their hats into the ring to try and get seats in the Knesset.…
#47 No matter where you live in Israel, you are never more than 3 hours to a beach
Israel is a tiny country often compared in size to New Jersey. As a result, you are never too far…
#64 When you say “Next year in Jerusalem” you can be in Jerusalem
L'Shana Haba'ah B'Yerushalayim "Next year in Jerusalem", is a phrase that is sung at the end of the Passover Seder and…
#91 Afterschool programs are affordable
The Israeli school day differs from US schools in the length of the school day. In Israel, students often finish…
#09 Israel has a strong moral army that soldiers are proud to be part of
The IDF Spirit The Israel Defense Forces are the state of Israel's military force. The IDF is subordinate to the…
#42 Protection from the Iron Dome and Hashem
Iron Dome (Kippat Barzel) is a mobile all-weather air defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. The system is designed to…
#11 Live in a country where walking 4 amot earns you a place in Olam HaBah
Rabbi Yirmeya bar Abba said that Rabbi Yoḥanan said: Anyone who walks four cubits in Eretz Yisrael is assured of…
#97 Israelis get excited when it starts to rain
In Israel, it rains in the season when we expect rain. Israelis are so connected to the land and the…
#40 Live in a “foodie” wonderland
Israeli cuisine comprises both local dishes and dishes brought to Israel by Jews from the Diaspora. Since before the establishment of the State of Israel in…
#52 Incredible national parks
National parks of Israel are declared historic sites or nature reserves, which are mostly operated and maintained by the National Nature and Parks…
#88 Children learn to be independent earlier
Independence seems to start at a very young age in Israel and it is not unusual to see kids that…
#45 Board a bus and get invited to someone’s wedding
Israel is considered to be one of the most informal countries in the world. Maybe its because many people are…
#101 Israel is home
There is a popular expression heard from many native-born Israelis that ring true: "We do not have any other country".…
#83 Chabad
One of the organizations that is busy bringing spiritual growth to Israelis is Chabad. Many of the movement's activities emphasize…
#06 Stop being a “Wandering Jew” and a “stranger in a strange land”
The Wandering Jew is a mythical immortal man whose legend began to spread in Europe in the 13th century. In…
#49 Ashkelon — Israel’s favorite retirement location
In the USA, when people think of retiring to a warm climate Florida is what people think of. In Israel,…
#05 Live in a country where Kohanim bless the nation daily
Among Jews in Israel, the ceremony is performed every day during the repetition of the Shacharit Amidah, and it is…
#67 Feel the holidays as they approach
In Israel, you can't help but to live and breathe Judaism. As soon as one holiday finishes, the stores start…
#61 Find Kosher food everywhere
If you live in a concentrated area of Jews in Galut, you probably have quick access to kosher foods, but…
#78 The loss of every soldier and civilian is a deep pain felt by every Jew
The loss of a soldier and civilian in battle or in a terrorist attack is felt by every Jew. Everyone…
#55 Art is everywhere
In 19th century Palestine, decorative art was dominant and was largely restricted to religious and Holy Land-related topics, catering to…
#48 Swedish meatballs at Ikea are kosher
Ikea adapted their recipe for their famous Swedish meatballs especially for the Israeli Kosher market. During COVID-19, when their stores…
#41 The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea, located between Jordan and Israel, is a salt lake that is famous for its therapeutic properties. The…
#59 Robberies? Way less than the USA, Canada, UK, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Germany…
Israel, despite being in a tough neighborhood, is an oasis of safety, often safer than other OECD countries. there are…
#26 The Israel National Trail (Shvil Yisrael)
The Israel National Trail (Shvil Yisra'el) is a hiking path that was inaugurated in 1995. The trail crosses the entire country…
#23 Unlikely that your children will intermarry
The situation in the US and Europe for Jewish continuity continues to decline. The Pew research shows that "Jews in…
#36 Bamba
While the rest of the world discovers the advantages of feeding Bamba to kids, Israel continues to develop new and…
#58 Sail on the Mediterranean Sea
Sailing is quickly becoming a popular activity for Israelis. The Israel Sailing Association (also known as the Israel Yachting Association) is the national…
#75 The siren on Yom HaZikaron stops an entire nation in its tracks
There is nothing that compares to the siren on Yom HaZikaron. When the siren starts, the country comes to a…
#62 Walk where our prophets walked
According to the Talmud, there were 48 prophets and 7 prophetesses of Judaism. The last prophet is believed to have been Malachi. In…
#80 See prophecy fulfilled
Three times a day, during the week, Jews say the prayer. Teka BeShofar: Sound the great shofar for our liberty, and…
#79 Solar water heating is part of the construction code
The use of solar energy began in Israel in the 1950s with the development by Levi Yissar of a solar water heater to address the energy shortages…
#70 Live in the land of our forefathers
Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov lived in the land of Israel. Avraham is told to leave the land of his father…
#30 Israeli universities are world-class institutions
Israeli universities are gaining in recognition around the world and many Fortune 500 companies have research and development departments located…
#18 Be close to your Israeli grandchildren
Forget about Zoom and WhatsApp, there is no substitution for being close to your Israeli family.
#96 Lots of youth groups
Israel has a youth group (Tenu'ot Noar) to match every type of religious or political orientation. The most popular are:…
#08 Israel is now the center of world Jewry
We are witnessing a migration from the USA, Canada, France, UK and smaller Jewish communities around the world, greatly increasing…
#20 Great base to visit other countries
You don't make Aliyah just to leave the country, but many people find that they are doing business in Europe…
#28 Live in the land of milk and honey
A land flowing with milk and honey is a phrase from (Shmot 3:8). Rabbi Menachem Posner of Chabad.org writes: "Some of…
#02 Israel is now a leader in medical care with cutting-edge technology
Israel has one of the most technologically advanced and highest-quality healthcare systems in the world. Hospitals in Israel are equipped…
#77 Everyone celebrates Purim
Purim is not just a holiday for religious Jews, it is a holiday that is celebrated by every Jewish student…
#93 Israel is a country that can pull off an Operation Entebbe
Operation Entebbe, also known as the Entebbe Raid or Operation Thunderbolt, was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos…
#03 Medical care is a universal system and affordable
Under the National Health Insurance Law, membership in one of the four following health funds, or Kupot Holim (Patient Funds)…
#38 Learn in a Yeshiva
Want to catch up on your learning or do the Daf Yomi live? there are thousands of Yeshivot in Israel.…
#84 Falafel and shawarma
Falafel and shawarma are two of Israel's most popular street foods. Everywhere you go in Israel, you can find stores…
#22 Less pressure to keep up with the “Joneses”
Israelis seem to be less swayed by popular culture when it comes to "keeping up with the Joneses." Maybe it…
#34 Startup Nation and almost daily announcements of inventions/discoveries
Israel is often referred to as the "Startup Nation," due to its thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem and the number of successful…
#72 Israel loves children
Israelis love children and we see this love reflected in the amount of children born every year. While American and…
#37 Fulfill the dreams of our ancestors
For thousands of years we have wept and cried to return to Israel. In Tehillim 137, the text reads: By…
#65 Israelis are so informal, some go shopping in pajamas
While people who wear pajamas on the street and in stores are not like the people of Walmart, they are…
#24 Meet the most interesting people
When you sit next to someone on the bus or in the park, you never know who that person is…
#32 Explore an archeologist’s dream even if you are not an archeologist
The archaeology of Israel is the study of the archaeology of the present-day Israel, stretching from prehistory through three millennia of documented history. The ancient Land of Israel was…
#81 Always something to see or do here
There is always something new to see or do in Israel. It could be visiting the renewed ANU Museum in…
#13 Live in a country where the official language is the language of the Torah
Hebrew is one of the spoken languages of the Israelites and their longest-surviving descendants, the Jews and Samaritans. It was…
#89 There are mitzvot and customs that can only be performed in Israel
One of the great things about living in Israel is that there are some customs and mitzvot that can't be…
#35 Jerusalem
Since the 10th century BCE, Jerusalem has been the holiest city, focus and spiritual center of the Jews. Jerusalem has long been embedded into…
#92 Feel proud when we help other countries
Israeli foreign aid is the development assistance and humanitarian aid provided by Israel to foreign countries. Israel provides assistance to…
#68 Outdoor lifestyle
Israeli weather is conducive to outdoor activities, whether it is hiking, swimming, cycling or other sports. Maybe it is because…
#33 Tel Aviv has the world’s largest collection of Bauhaus style buildings
The Bauhaus movement, originating in Germany in the early 20th century, had a profound impact on modern architecture and design.…
#21 Enjoy amazing sandy beaches
Israel is renowned for its breathtaking coastline and stunning beaches. The country is home to a number of pristine sandy…